Friday, July 23, 2010

Quick Thought~

“Food is never just food. 
It's also a way of getting at something else: 
who we are, 
who we have been
and who we want to be.”
—  Molly Wizenberg

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cool Link!

Baltimore GFree Restaurants!!

First real post here....

I'm moving this part of my private blog over here - I re-posted all my old posts (well all 3 or 4) and  will continue this here...Here's my final LJ post on the topic...

Bless me, Readers, I have sinned. It has been a month since my last post. These are my thoughts...

I've been focusing more on eating real and whole foods. It works for me. I am still amazed at this GF process. I have almost no food cravings. Not much in the way of compulsive eating. (it still happens when I am not remembering mindfulness) And almost no noise/pain/nascar in my gut. I have more energy and more clarity of thought. I don't feel quite so exhausted, burdened, half-dead . These days when I am hungry it's because I need to eat, and when I am tired it's because I need to rest. 

I'm frustrated that my body hasn't changed outwardly, but I am treating it with love more often than not, and working on stopping the automatic negative thoughts. It's slow, but then again I didn't learn these maladaptive behaviors around food overnight either.

I'm moving this whole food she-bang over to BlogSpot...Kel's Kitchen and planning to post more there.

"When you believe in yourself more than you believe in food, you will stop using food as if it were your only chance at not falling apart." ~ Geneen Roth - I am learning to trust my intuition and my body more and more.

Post from June 8...

The GF experiment has been going well - too well maybe :-)  It's been 10 days and the only time I've had gut pain was after eating wheatberry.

I haven't had any real food cravings, and haven't had the crazy need to eat righthisverysecond even though I just ate type thoughts. I feel like a (wonderful wonderful) switch has been flipped. I haven't denied myself anything besides wheat products. But mostly I've eaten meat, fruit & veggies. Here's tonight's dinner:

Pork Chop dry fried in onions salt and pepper, with a white wine mustard sauce
Fresh broccoli
Corn on the cob (ended up in the trash though, was a bad ear)

bfast = protein shake, gf choco chip cookies, coffee
lunch= pulled chix, collard greens
snack= small handful (literally 5 or 6) potato chips (yep GF)

I snacked on GF granola before dinner, and that may have thrown me off.

I also made it to the gym for 25 min elliptical (1.75mi)

I feel "cleaner" - not quite the right word, but close. More awake, less sluggishy. I feel good for taking care of me, and am working on catching and off negative thoughts (i.e. her thighs are so much smaller than my elephant thighs) and replacing them w./ positive (my belly might be bigger than I want, but it served me well bearing children etc) And my PT noticed a big difference in the ankle swelling (which of course is rampant after working out tonight)

Post from June 4...

“Recovering your energy means recovering your most impassioned self—a revolutionary process that subverts all people and situations seeking to keep you small.”
— Judith Orloff

Strawberry Vivano (w/ extra protein)
Tall coffee

Lucy's GF Choc Chip Cookies

Dried Edamame

Mozz Cheese Stick

Salad w/ mixed green, chix, veggies, egg white - 1 tbsp ranchish dressing
6oz raspberries
semisweet tea

Post from June 3

Also as a side note/post script I am reading  Women Food and God and have The Shadow Effect lined up to read. Interesting insights on food, and have seen some kinda scary (and OMG they're talking to me!) stuff, particularly relating to my adoptee issues. Weird weird, but makes sense.

Also i just finished reading Change Your Brain, Change Your Body, which led me to get back on the fish oil, flax seed oil, and vit d supplements (plus B supplement, joint supplement, and a prenatal multivit (covered by FSA & has added iron - NOT for prenatal reasons *g*), which may (or may not) be making this process & cravings easier.
(more after the jump...)

Dinner - June 2nd

Dinner was
* chicken strips, rolled in corn flour, salt, pepper, and cajun seasonings
* fresh green beans, blanched, then heated with a little bit of butter, sea salt, and garlic powder
* cold corn, shucked from the cob
* white rice

I see some places this could be healthier, and eventually I will get there...

How I got here....(June 1)

How I got here....

So inspired by [info]magickalmom's adventures in going gluten free (and the positive changes), a "like" on FB from [info]tis_caitlin about restarting new years goals on June 1, and a convo with [info]museclio about my general unhappiness with my body I started thinking about trying this gluten free stuff.

Shortly after my WLS 5 years ago I developed an allergy to certain sugars - it seemed pretty random. Well last week, after having recently read something on [info]magickalmom's LJ about gluten and sinuses, it occurred to me that each time I can recall having that drastic reaction to sugar (essentially 30 mins of awful sinus drip and congestion) that the food also had contained wheat. The reaction I had Friday was post breakfast bagel. Hmmm, what is 1 + 1 again - apparently it's not 3 like I'd thought.

So I decided to go GF on June 1 - and went hog wild with picking up snacks for the weekend event. Saturday I munched on pretzels and goldfish, and then had hot fresh bread. By the time we drove the 40 miles back to the hotel I was in so much pain that if someone had offered me a cyanide pill I would have taken it.

So Sunday I skipped the baked goods for breakfast - and did a protein shot and yogurt. I had turkey at lunch, snacked on pistachio's, had a grilled chix breast for snack, and then Chinese (hunan chix) for dinner. Still not GF, but getting a lot closer. And wow, I felt "cleaner" No gassyness, or pain in my gut. No doubling over wishing I hadn't eaten that, etc.

Monday was the party - I had yogurt & bacon for breakfast, and bun-less burger/sausage...and lots of fruit and veggies. The only place I wasn't so good was in having a bite of the crust on my blueberry cobbler. Again, felt great. And wasn't really craving crap.

Tuesday - back to work and I wanted to stress eat but didn't. I have dried edamame to snack on, and that helped. Dinner was chili - so all good there.

Wednesday - I realized my thinking is clearer, and that I am not having non-stop cravings for food. I feel more in control over food than I have in a long long time.

Fudge! I think I am on to something.